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For rescuers,
by rescuers.

We help rescuers be faster, safer and wiser during a mission

If your vocation is one of those below, then you're in the right place!


Who we are

We are a dedicated team of professionals that build software for rescuers, by rescuers. At SureVIVE many of us have a background in building and operating mission-critical applications and some are even rescuers themselves.


Swiss cantons as customers for first responder alerting


Missions handled via platform 






A platform that makes it possible to quickly identify and alert the right rescuer in emergency situations, especially in the event of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).  Every year, more than 8,000 people suffer a sudden cardiac arrest in Switzerland and on average 13% survive (SWISSRECA, Annual Report 2022). Every minute that first aid is not administered reduces the chances of survival by 10%. In the Swiss cantons where Momentum is used, the survival rate of those affected has increased by almost 50 %.


In addition, our latest product, the Momentum PRO platform, enables the alerting of different groups of rescuers, such as mountain rescuers or swift water rescuers. Depending on requirements, this can be done in the same operation, in which everyone has a uniform situational awareness of the situation on site.


In total, the Momentum application family consists of four applications, each of which is tailored to a specific use case:


An innovative tracking device that helps locate people that are lost in the mountains or buried underneath an avalanche. ArvaDOS consists of a hardware device capable of communicating with mobile phones. The device may even be embedded inside a piece of clothing and uses Low Power Wide Area Networks for long distance or peer-to-peer communication.


DriveOnStreet is a cutting-edge system that allows operations centres to manage their emergency vehicles fleet. It is intended for direct communication between an operations center and individual mobile units, dispatch management, and the geolocation of emergency vehicles.


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A first responder app that allows community first responders (CFRs) across Switzerland to intervene in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest.

Each CFR can receive push notifications directly on their cantonal app from the operations center and can confirm their availability.


Momentum PRO

An alert and mission control system operated by Alpine Rescue Switzerland and various other rescuers groups for terrestrial and airborne rescue missions that help save people by reducing alert and intervention times.


Through Momentum PRO, each rescuer in the field has access to his own, uniform situational awareness view.

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Momentum PRO
is already used everywhere here

Professional rescuers | Professionelle Rettungskräfte | Secouristes professionnels using Momentum safety equipment | nutzen M

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Our mission is to create user-friendly & cutting-edge technology to help rescuers be faster, safer and wiser during a mission with the goal of saving more lives by reducing response times.


We can help rescuers save lives with the use of technologies


We design all our products for rescuers, by rescuers


We operate a life- saving app for rescuers to help them reduce response times and obtain a uniform situational awareness view

Graziana – Central Operator bei FCTSA, Tessin | Spezialistin für Kommunikations- und Notfallmanagement

“Quello in cui trovo che Momentum dia tantissimo è quando l’ambulanza è molto lontana, quindi ci vuole tanto tempo prima che arrivi sul luogo e le persone che hanno chiamato sono in difficoltà e non riescono a fare niente, quindi prima arriva l’aiuto (il first responder o il rapid responder) prima riusciamo a fare qualcosa. Questa è una bellissima soddisfazione. Momentum in questo caso ci aiuta veramente tanto!”


Central operator FCTSA, Tessin

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Read more about the correct settings for the "Emergency call 144" mobile app


Depending on the wishes of your first responder organisation, Momentum can alert you geo-referenced, according to municipalities defined by you or according to a schedule per municipality.

Member of
SPIK – Swiss Police ICT | Jahrestagung für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie der Schweizer Polizeibehörden
SBS.png – The logo of SBS, a company known for its expertise in providing safety, rescue, and emergency response solutions, u
swissICT – Associazione leader per il settore ICT in Svizzera | Innovazione, networking e sviluppo professionale nel digitale
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